About Broshelf

Bringing families together one story at a time.

Introducing Broshelf
They say kids learn to love reading in the laps of their parents. But how do you and your child choose the books that are right for them when they are no longer small enough to fit onto your lap? We are here to help.
Our story
Broshelf Founder and CEO, Hannah Mcdaniel, can recall to the time in high school where she would blindly pick up books. “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get” while Forrest Gump might equate life to a box of chocolates, Hannah decided she didn’t like the unknown of what was inside books. Unfortunately, this was 20 years ago and the internet and phone apps weren’t what they are today. Fortunately for our kids’ generation, there is a new solution: Broshelf. The app that aids young readers into finding their next favorite story. A place where kids can be kids and not have to worry if the content of a book is really “YA”. While the publishing standard might think it’s okay to have mature content that would be rated Mature or R-Rated if it was a movie or tv show inside a young adult (age 12-17) novel, we at Broshelf don’t think a kid should have to learn the hard way and spit out the chocolate with the bitter filling when they were expecting a peanut butter filling. Isn’t it about time book ratings were a common practice?